The film Communicable, written and directed by David Lawler, is a surrealist science fiction exploration of tragic loss and complicated relationships. It defies linear storytelling, instead relying on dreamlike conversations and voice-overs to convey emotions and tones.
The two main characters, Louise and Iris, are young women dealing with the aftermath of a drowning. It’s unclear whether Iris is a comforting companion or a better version of Louise herself. The soundtrack and visuals add to the anxious tension throughout the film. The performances by Lucia Roberts and Rivers Duggan are excellent, with Duggan’s expressive eyes carrying the film.
Lawler stated that the film is about a young woman who disappears inside the reality of a recent tragedy and attempts to make sense of her fictional existence through the creation of another woman.
The film is more about experiencing and feeling rather than understanding, and viewers will naturally sense meaning based on their own lives. Overall, Communicable is a trippy journey through existential pain.