In the past, watching movies and visiting cinemas were practically interchangeable activities. To catch the latest Hollywood flick you’d longed for, you had to head to a theater. Later on, films began airing on TV, and with more people owning televisions, movie theater attendance dwindled.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t until 2007 that people began using streaming services such as Netflix to view films on their mobile devices. While this offered excellent convenience, it also had an adverse effect on box office sales as fewer individuals frequented the theaters.

Today, with approximately 40% of viewers choosing streaming platforms over movie theaters, traditional film distribution has been significantly impacted.

The influence of streaming services on conventional film distribution

David Sterritt, a film professor at the Maryland Institute College of Art and former chair of the National Society of Film Critics, predicts that in the future, going to the movies will be a rare, special occasion, much like attending the opera. This is due to the convenience of technology, which allows people to watch movies from the comfort of their own homes immediately after their release.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized the impact of streaming services, as their popularity has increased by over 26%. As a result, people have been relying on their subscriptions for entertainment rather than going to theaters.

Filmmakers have taken notice of the popularity of streaming platforms and are now releasing films exclusively on these services, allowing for a larger audience and more distribution options. Examples of these films include The Irishman, Klaus, Mudbound, and Okja.

The advantages and disadvantages of streaming services for both filmmakers and viewers

There are pros and cons for both filmmakers and viewers when it comes to streaming services. Let’s focus on the benefits first:

Greater Creative Liberty and Broader Reach
In the past, filmmakers were restricted by the narrow viewpoints of their local audience, limiting their artistic expression. However, with the increasing popularity and accessibility of streaming services, filmmakers can now showcase their work to a wider and more diverse global audience. This expanded reach also allows for more varied and innovative filmmaking.

Convenience and Affordability

Compared to going to the movies, streaming films is both more convenient and cost-effective. While a single movie ticket can be more expensive than a monthly subscription to a popular streaming service, as long as you have internet access at home, you can enjoy your favorite films at any time. For those looking to save money, streaming platforms provide an affordable option to watch cinematic masterpieces from the comfort of their own homes.

To ensure a smooth streaming experience, it’s important to have a reliable internet connection. Kinetic Internet offers both fast speeds and affordability, making it a great option for those looking to stream films on a budget.

By Lucy

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